Wednesday, June 30, 2010

No I am not going to medical school to become a nurse

Okay, let me start out by saying that I have nothing but love and respect for nurses. They are the best. They know everything that is going on all the time, can totally help you out in any situation, and do a job that I would never in a million years be willing or able to do. They put up with a lot of crap from patients, families, and doctors. In short, they are amazing, and if you don't respect nurses, I don't respect you.
That being said, I am not a nurse. I am not a pharmacist, or a physician's assistant, a CNA, a dentist, or anything else you can think of. I'm not spending four years of my life and more money than I want to discuss to be anything but a DOCTOR. The big MD. And if I'm putting in all this time and crap, I want people to recognize. Why do people think that medical school is for nurses? Nursing school is for nurses. Pharmacy school is for pharmacists. MEDICAL SCHOOL IS FOR DOCTORS! What? Because I'm a woman who wants to go into the medical field I have to be a nurse? No sir. The times they are a-changing, and more woman are becoming doctors than nurses. So check yourself fool!
Am I right? I know that I am not the only girl who class who when people ask "hey, what do you do for a living?" and I say "I'm a medical student." I cannot STAND when that person says "oh, to be a nurse?"
Why? Why do you assume I'm going to be a nurse? I swear it is because I'm a woman. None of my guy friends have reported this having happened to them. What else could it be? Why would someone just assume nurse instead of doctor? Do I not look whatever enough to be a doctor? I'm not saying being a nurse is a bad thing, or a degrading thing. All I'm saying is that if I wanted to be a nurse I would have gone to nursing school. Maybe it is just the overwhelming self-doubt that rules my world anymore. The fact that no one would look at me and say "of course, a doctor, you would make a fantastic doctor" on first meeting me, just feeds into my insecurity of being able to be a doctor. It just flows out of their mouths so easily "oh to be a nurse?" Should I be a nurse instead? Or a pharmacist? Or a dentist? Did I make a mistake? What was I thinking? No one will ever take me seriously as a doctor, they already can't envision me as a doctor!
I'm not sure how to write this without offending nurses, because honestly they are amazing, smart, fantastic people. But I am not one of them. And the crap I'm going through to become a doctor is different than the crap they went through to become nurses, and I feel the need to let people know that medical school= doctor. So while I don't think poorly of nurses or think I'm better than them, I want everyone to know I'm going to be a doctor. We all go into our chosen fields for a reason. People become nurses for a different reason than we crazies go to medical school. We want to be doctors. Nothing else will do for us. Sure, we sometimes think we are better than anyone else, but most doctors understand that they are nothing without nurses. We just don't want to be them. And I don't want people to ask me if I am one.
So, for the last time, no, I am not in medical school to be a nurse. I'm in medical school to become a doctor. Please get that straight. Medical school is for doctors. Just because I'm a woman in health care does not mean I am a nurse.
Medical school=doctor. Please remember this.

1 comment:

  1. Soooo you are saying you aren't going to be a nurse? Why did you have that nurse uniform in your underwear drawer then? It seemed kind of skimpy...
